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Wealth Journey
9  steps to a wealthier you



The path to wealth is often hard to find, and then it can be challenging to travel. Parts of the wealth journey may take you through a maze, an uphill climb, through forks and turns and deviations. When money flows, in particular, you need to know how to navigate the flow, and what to do next.


The Wealth Journey shows you how to become wealth-fit for the wealth journey, and what to expect along the road to wealth.


You will learn which abilities, qualities and power you need to cultivate and expand, in order to climb the wealth consciousness ladder all the way to the top and how to develop more wealthy states of being.


Each level has a wealth challenge you must overcome in order to unlock the abilities which will help you reach the next level. Once learnt, these abilities are the power that will enable you to navigate wealth detours and learn the secrets of wealth creation.


In this book you will learn not only how to get from 'where you are' to 'where you're going' on the path of wealth, but also 'why you are not there yet' and most importantly 'what to do once you get there'.

Wealth Journey eBook

ISBN: 978-0-9946591-3-2

Extent: 268 pages

Wealth Journey Print

ISBN: 978-0-9946591-8-7

Extent: 268 pages

Previous Editions:

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"I love this book! It took me on the most amazing journey,  creating wealth and an abundance of money.”
- Cialee Oosthuizen – CEO Coveg (Pty) Ltd

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Disclaimer & Notice of Use


Kiki Theo Wealth Works (Pty) Ltd, the author Kiki Theo and Kiki Theo books, MP3s and courses (The Work) are not intended to provide personalised legal, accounting, financial, or investment advice. The work is not intended to provide psychological or medical advice or treatment. Readers and users of The Work are encouraged to consult competent professionals with regard to matters such as interpretation of law, proper accounting procedures, financial planning and investment strategies, and psychological and medical treatment. 


The author of these books and creator of the energetic processing and the publisher specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk which is incurred in consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any contents of this work. The author of The Work does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you on your quest for emotional and spiritual well- being. 


Kiki Theo's work is intended for personal use and may not be delivered as processing or courses in any format whatsoever by anyone who is not a certified Money Alchemy facilitator.

No portions of this website or its contents may be used or copied for any reason whatsoever without permission in writing.

©2005-2025 Kiki Theo All Rights Reserved

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