Relationship Alchemy eBook
ISBN: 978-0-9946592-9-3
151 pages
Relationship Alchemy
How to align life, wealth and love
Everything is energy, everything is connected, and everything exists by virtue of relationship.
In Relationship Alchemy we look at money and our relationship to it in terms of masculine and feminine energy.
We illuminate the patterns that may underlie our money patterns as informed by the most important of our relationships – those of mother, father, child and lover.
We examine ourselves and our money as reflections of these relationships, and of the archetypal energies these relationships represent, both internally and in the world around us.
Understanding both the quality and the function of masculine and feminine energy; how it relates and flows; how it presents its many faces – mother, father, child, lover being some of these; and how we relate both to the energies, and to these relationships within, and around us, will help uncover the deepest aspects of our relationship to money and its attainment.
The processing in this book will help you improve, deepen, and expand all relationships – because everything is connected.
When we can clearly see the energetic dynamics involved in our relationship with money, then we can change both the relationship and the flow of wealth.
“Kiki’s writing is a breath of fresh air! I can hear her voice speaking to me as I read. The processing is unique and revealing, expanding the reader’s consciousness in mind-blowing ways.
Most of all, I love how Kiki makes the subject of money and the wealth journey come alive, and that she reminds her readers to have fun with it all!” - Stacey G